Wednesday’s attack on democracy, at the seat of American government, was profoundly disturbing, unpatriotic, and fundamentally contrary to the rule of law. We condemn this attack which has led to the death of at least one person. We call upon all Americans to reject this form of unlawful and undemocratic insurrection and to rise together in support of the country, Constitution, and the peaceful transfer of power to the new president on January 20, 2021. 

The use of Christian symbols in this violent attack along with other symbols like the confederate battle flag are part of the legacy of white supremacy that continues to plague America and blasphemes the name of God.  We reject the misappropriation of these Christian symbols. 

We acknowledge that too many white American Christians have historically supported unjust election processes and thwarted judicial justice to marginalized and powerless Americans.  Consequently we call on all Christians to support the causes of justice, honesty, integrity, and enfranchisement of all citizens and to do so without violence. 

The Book of Common Prayer gives words for a troubled nation in such a time as this. And we pray also:

“God of justice and mercy, who delivered your people from the oppression of Pharaoh, protect us from greed, ignorance, and malevolence in our political leaders, and help us make our nation one of peace, liberty, and justice, in harmony with your creation and exhibiting the love of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.”

— ACT Council: Acknowledge, Confess, Transform

Broadway Baptist Church