Broadway’s Alternative Gift Catalog is a great resource to help you choose meaningful gifts that support vital ministries, neighbors in need, and honor a loved one by sharing the gift of hope and healing in their name. No long lines or crowded stores make it easier than ever to complete your Christmas shopping with a gift from the heart. Consider an Alternative Gift Catalog item below and submit your payment online. Enjoy the season. Shop responsibly. 

Give a gift that shares love this Christmas

Each gift in this year’s catalog has been selected to support Broadway ministries in one of six areas: Camp Broadway, Community Ministries, Congregational Care, Family Ministries, Missions, and Music Ministries.

You can choose the pre-selected amount on any gift or choose an amount that is right for you. Broadway will send a personalized card to each person you give a gift to. We will not mention the amount of your donation, but will include the ministry area you selected for them.

All gifts are tax-deductible and will be included in your year-end giving statement from the church.

Community Ministries

Agape Meal $25
Since 1995, Broadway has served the Agape Meal on Thursdays nights. Each week we host neighbors and guests who are experiencing homelessness and food insecurity. Broadway’s Agape Meal provides extravagant
hospitality to our neighbors by serving hot, chef-prepared meals in a restaurant-style format. Each week, Broadway serves approximately 125 meals to our guests.
Your $25 gift helps purchase four meals for our weekly Agape Meal.
Adult Clothing Ministry $20
Most of the resources in our adult clothing ministry come from donations; however, we occasionally need to supplement what has been donated with items purchased from thrift stores and online suppliers. We also disgtribute coats, gloves, hats, and blankets at the start of winter to our neighbors experiencing homelessness.  Each week, Broadway provides clothing assistance to 35-40 people and our annual coat distribution serves over 200 persons.
Your $20 gift purchases a new winter coat, hat, and gloves for our one of our neighbors this winter
Children’s Clothing Ministry $30

Each school year, Broadway hosts a uniform distribution for school-age children in our surrounding neighborhoods. Each student receives two shirts, two pants, socks, and underwear. Additionally, students receive school supplies and age-appropriate books in preparation for the start of the school year.

Your gift of $30 provides two sets of school uniforms, books, and school supplies to children and families in need.

Gene Thompson Community Center $20

The Community Center provides essential services and resources to those in need. We have seen a tremendous increase in the requests for assistance due to rising inflation. Our most requested items including gas cards, hygiene kits, toilet paper, soap and detergent, diapers and wipes, Bibles, and books.

Your gift of $20 purchases supplies for five hygiene kits.

May Street Market $30

Broadway’s May Street Market operates like a neighborhood store by providing groceries to individuals and families in need. Guests can shop the pantry for grocery essentials including shelf-stable goods, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy and protein items, and household essentials. Each week, Broadway provides groceries to approximately 100-110 households.

Your $30 gift helps provide groceries for two families through our May Street Market.  

Room in the Inn $15

Broadway has participated in Fort Worth’s Room in the Inn ministry since its inception in 2007. Broadway hosts 10 men during the summer and winter months by providing dinner, overnight accommodations, and breakfast. This ministry provides a safe place for men experiencing homelessness and is managed in partnership with True Worth Place. Broadway hosts Room in the Inn guests on Monday nights during the winter (January – February) and summer (July – August) sessions.

Your gift of $15 provides a hygiene kit, snack bag, clean sheets and towels, and a Bible for every guest who stays at Broadway as part of the Room in the Inn ministry.

Sack Lunches $25

Each week, Broadway distributes about 400 sack lunches to neighbors and guests who are experiencing homelessness. Our sack lunch ministry runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Guests receive sandwiches, shelf-stable protein, snacks, fruit, dessert, and a drink.

Your gift of $25 provides sack lunch meals to six homeless neighbors who are struggling with nutrition and food insecurity.


Global Missions Partners $25

Broadway is proud to partner with global ministries who are working to alleviate hunger, poverty, and injustice. One of these ministries is the Gori Soup Kitchen in the Republic of Georgia. The kitchen provides hundreds of meals each week to refugees and other marginalized people. It is a ministry of the Evangelical Baptists in Georgia and the Peace Cathedral in Tblisi, Georgia.

Your gift of $25 will help provide 10 meals to refugees through the Gori Soup Kitchen.

Border Missions Partnerships $25

Broadway recently participated in border mission trips to Brownsville, Texas and Piedra Negras, Mexico. Working in partnership with Fellowship Southwest and local churches, Broadway welcomed and served individuals and families either waiting to cross the border or who have recently crossed the border and are transitioning to life in the U.S.

Your gift of $25 supports future mission trips to the U.S. southern border.

Navajo Mission Partnerships $50

For over 30 years, Broadway has partnered in ministry with Navajo churches in Arizona and New Mexico. Although we have discontinued our annual summer mission trips since the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to support these churches in other ways. Winters are harsh on the reservation. Your gift of $50 will help purchase firewood for winter heating. We appreciate your participation. 

Music Ministries

Organ and Piano Maintenance $50

Your gift of $50 will help keep Broadway’s musical instruments at optimal playing condition to enhance our worship services each week.

Choral Scholars $25

The Choral Scholars program provides the opportunity for music majors to learn from Broadway’s music ministries and enhance Broadway’s Chancel Choir. Participants are selected for the program through an application and audition process.

Your gift of $25 will help support and sustain this important educational opportunity.

Music Scores $20

The music ministry is an important and vital part of worship at Broadway. Members have the opportunity to use and develop their musical gifts by participating in choirs.

Your gift of $20 will help procure musical scores for choirs of all ages. Please designate which choir you are donating to. If no designation is made, your gift will go to the Chancel Choir.

Broadway Series $75

The annual Broadway Series provides an opportunity to share Broadway’s music ministries with both the congregation and community. Events in the series include the annual Messiah Sing, Lenten organ recitals, and other special events. These concerts are provided free to Broadway members and the public.

Your gift of $75 will support and sustain the musical events in the Broadway Series.

Congregational Care

Blessings Baskets - $25

Through our homebound ministry, Broadway provides Blessings Baskets to members. Baskets include essential items like toiletries, health aids, food, and reading material. Blessings Baskets are delivered to members at Christmas and Easter.

Your gift of $25 will help provide a blessing basket to a homebound member.

Member Assistance - $50

​Sometimes Broadway members experience financial hardships. Some deal with medical bills, unemployment, or reduced income. Our Member Care fund provides up to $500 assistance to members in need.

Your gift of $50 will help Broadway members who are experiencing financial hardship.

Shepherd Ministry - $15

Broadway’s Shepherd Ministry provides personal connection to our membership through cards and letters. Members are contacted for milestones including birthdays and church anniversaries as well as encouragement during injury or illness.

Your gift of $15 will help purchase note cards and stationery for our Shepherd Ministry.

Congregational Activities - $25

Congregational activities at Broadway provide the opportunity for fellowship, learning, and building relationships. These activities include services at Camp Broadway, special guest speakers, retreats, parties, and intergenerational events.

Your gift of $25 will help purchase the food, supplies, and resources needed for these events.

Casserole Ministry - $15

Our Casserole Ministry makes and delivers nutritious entrees to our members who need a little help during an illness, death in the family, loss of employment, or other family crisis.

Your gift of $15 will help purchase the supplies for this important ministry.

Family Ministries

Jake Whisenant Chapel Choir Scholarships $50

Broadway’s Chapel Choir, grades 7-12, go on a music and missions tour during the summer. The tour provides opportunity for youth to minister through music and service. The cost for next summer’s tour to New York City is $700 per student. The Jake Whisenant Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance for Chapel Choir members who could not otherwise afford to participate on the tour.

Your gift of $50 to the Jake Whisenant Scholarship Fund will help a youth in need to participate in the Chapel Choir music and missions tour.

Children’s Camp Scholarship $50

Children in grades 3-6 attend Passport camp each summer. The cost is $388 for each child to attend, not including transportation expenses. Broadway provides scholarships for families who need financial assistance for camp fees.

Your gift of $50 will help provide a scholarship for a camper in need.

Vacation Bible School $40

VBS is our largest outreach event for children and families in our community. It includes engaging activities, exciting Bible stories, and the opportunity to have fun together. This week-long program is offered free to the community and we typically have 100 children participate.

Your gift of $40 helps cover the costs of one child to attend VBS.

Youth Camp Scholarship $50

Each summer, Broadway youth participate in Passport Camp. The week-long experience provides opportunity for faith development and relationship building along with fun activities. The cost for youth camp is $468 per student. Broadway provides scholarships for families who need financial assistance for camp fees.

Your gift of $50 will help provide a scholarship to a youth camper in need.

Camp Broadway

Chainsaw Repair & Supplies $25

Your gift of $25 will help maintain our Camp chainsaws and help buy chains and bar oil.

Sign Maintenance $15

Your gift of $15 will help maintain and improve the directional signage at Camp.  

Materials Package $100

Your gift of $100 will help purchase a materials package for upgrades to the Cabins, and grounds.

Equipment Rental $25

Occasionally, there is a need to rent equipment such as log splitters, jackhammers, or stump grinders to ensure the safety and beauty of the Camp. Your gift of $25 will help defray the rental cost.