Window Newsletter 6.15.22

BROADWAY CELEBRATES Baptism of Jude StonehamSunday, June 12, Jude Stoneham publicly declared his faith through baptism. His mother, Cara Tareilo, performed the baptism, and we are blessed to welcome Jude as a member of Broadway and celebrate this important day in his...

Window 5.18.22

BROADWAY CELEBRATES LOL Variety Show and AuctionThe Broadway Youth put on a fantastic show this past Sunday, May 15. Their hard work was evident in the singing, comedy, and musical instruments played. The event goal was to raise $13,000 and to date they have...

Window Newsletter 5.11.22

BROADWAY CELEBRATES Children’s Retreat This past weekend Broadway’s Family Ministries held a children’s retreat for grades 1 through 4 at Camp Broadway. The children enjoyed fun times outdoors, prayer walks in the garden, and the time to...

Window Newsletter 5.5.22

BROADWAY CELEBRATES New Member: Jude StonehamThis past Sunday, April 24, Jude Stoneham made the decision to become a member of Broadway. We give thanks for the unique gifts each new member brings to our growing congregation. Please join us in welcoming Jude to the...

Window Newsletter 4.13.22

BROADWAY CELEBRATES Broadway’s Fellowship Luncheon Spotlights Agape MealSunday’s Fellowship Luncheon was a chance to recognize and celebrate our church’s Agape Meal, which started in April 1995. Over the last 27 years, Broadway’s Agape Meal has provided a...

Window Newsletter 4.6.22

  BROADWAY CELEBRATES Celebrating God’s FaithfulnessThe altar flowers in worship on Sunday were given by the Finance and Stewardship Committee as an expression of thankfulness for God’s faithfulness and Broadway’s generosity. While we are still...