Window Newsletter 3.15.23

BROADWAY CELEBRATES Movie Night Fun at Camp Broadway All who attended had a great time at Outdoor Movie Night at Camp Broadway last Sunday. Everyone enjoyed the concession stand, cotton candy stand, and fabulous prizes!  The movie featured was The...

Window Newsletter 2.15.23

BROADWAY CELEBRATES Celebrating Black History MonthLiving Stones is a familiar term, often shared with humor, at Broadway. As we celebrate Black History Month a new message in relation to living stones is shared by Pastor Darrell R. Hamilton, II...

Window Newsletter 2.8.23

BROADWAY CELEBRATES New MembersJoin us in welcoming new members to Broadway!  Sunday, February 5, Jennifer and Dennis LeBow made their decision to become members. Jennifer grew up at Broadway and returns with her family to Fort Worth. We are thankful for the...

Window Newsletter 1.4. 23

BROADWAY CELEBRATES   BROADWAY CELEBRATES Staff AnniversariesJoin us in celebrating the following January staff anniversaries: Ethel Minter celebrated 33 years on January 1Jerry Flangin celebrates 33 years on January 15 Thank you Ethel and Jerry for your...

Window newsletter 12.7.22

BROADWAY CELEBRATES Baptism of Kennedy MayerSunday, December 4, Kennedy  Mayer publicly declared her faith through baptism. We joyfully welcome Kennedy as a member of Broadway and celebrate this important day in her journey of faith with her.   ...

Window Newsletter 11.16.22

THIS WEEK AT BROADWAY Adult Wednesday Night Invitation: “Pray Away” Movie Screening and Panel DiscussionWednesday, November 16 at 6:00 p.m., Stage West Theatre  Tonight is the Fort Worth screening of PRAY AWAY, the Netflix documentary that explores...