Generosity – An Overflow of the Heart
As we weather the storms of our time, being a beloved community of grace for all people rings more true now than ever. Be it through volunteering in our community center, engaging in worship or making a financial gift, we invite you to explore the many ways of giving at Broadway.
Giving is a beautiful way of expressing our gratitude for God’s blessings! Your generosity and service strengthens our resolve to be a place of extraordinary worship and extravagant hospitality.
Our stewardship theme this year is Lengthen the Cords, Strengthen the Stakes. This comes from Isaiah 54:2 which says:
Enlarge the place of your tent,
stretch your tent curtains wide,
do not hold back;
lengthen your cords,
strengthen your stakes.
As a witness to God’s generosity and grace in our lives, we commit to give from financial resources to Broadway’s ministries.
Mark your calendars for Pledge Sunday: November 10.
Contribute to our General Fund
Give easily and securely online with a credit card or bank account by clicking Donate Now.
Contribute to our Sacred Spaces Campaign
Give easily and securely online with a credit card or bank account by clicking Donate Now.
Contribute to a Specific Ministry
By selecting the “Other Fund” option when you click Donate Now you can give easily and securely on line with a credit card or bank account to specific ministries and programs of the church.
Q: What’s the benefit of online giving?
A: Convenience. An online giving account allows you to view all your past gifts for tax purposes, as well as manage your recurring gifts, without having to contact the Church Office.
Q: Is online giving safe?
A: Yes. Broadway Baptist Church ensures that online and mobile giving is safe and compliant with industry data security standards using a 128-bit SSL encrypted payment process. No personal or financial data is retained or stored.
Q: Can I still give by mail?
A: Absolutely! Gifts can be mailed to Broadway Baptist Church at 305 West Broadway Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76104. Please include your name, address, and donation description so that your donation credit can be provided correctly for tax purposes.
Q: Can I Text to Give
A: You can also make a one-time gift or schedule your giving via text. Just text “give” to 817-383-1336.
Q: Can I give by online bill pay?
A: Yes. Using your bank’s online bill pay service, you may send your gift electronically. You will need the following information when you visit your bank’s online bill pay page: Broadway Baptist Church 305 West Broadway Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76104 817-336-5761.
Be sure to have your name and address on the check. On the Acct# or Memo line include a giving description: “General Operating Fund” / “Capital Campaign” / “Ministry Name” etc.
Q: Can I set up an automatic recurring gift?
A: Yes. The next time you give online, be sure to check the “Make this gift recurring” under My Donation. You’ll be able to set the frequency by which your gift is given.
Q: What if my gift isn’t showing up on my giving statement?
A: It may take 2-5 days before you see your gift on your giving statement. If it still hasn’t shown up after five days, let us know!
Q: Can I split giving between ministries?
A: Yes. To give to multiple ministries, simply give to one, then head back to the main page and repeat the process for the next ministry.