April 20, 2021                                                               Justice Committee                                                                 


Statement in Response to Guilty Verdicts in Derek Chauvin Trial


The Justice Committee of Broadway Baptist Church, Fort Worth, affirms the jury’s guilty verdicts in the trial of former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin. While there is relief that justice was done in this one case, we pray that this singular verdict will not be misconstrued to mean that there is no bias in our criminal justice system, or that deeper, more systemic criminal justice reform is not necessary.

George Floyd is still dead. He needed justice on the front end, as did thousands and thousands of other Americans who suffered unjust violence because of the color of their skin. Every death and every act of violence, discrimination, and prejudice adds sorrow and pain to the lives of people of color in America. There is nothing to celebrate today, other than avoiding another miscarriage of justice for the perpetrator.

We call upon law enforcement and institutions of criminal justice to enact the reforms necessary to end unjust use of force, bias, and tactics that make already volatile situations worse. We support efforts to include in such reforms professionals who are trained in de-escalation methods and mental health crises.

As Christians we worship and follow Jesus Christ who was Himself unjustly put to death.  We call upon other Christians and all people of goodwill to demand and work for more just policing and criminal justice practices in our communities and country.

Broadway Baptist Church 305 W. Broadway Ave.

Fort Worth, Texas 76104 (817) 336-5761