Family Ministries

Family Ministries

Broadway’s Family Ministry program supports parents and caregivers through the birth of a child to their send-off from high school and through all the transitions in between. We strive to combine the influence of a multigenerational church -through building intergenerational relationships, serving together, discipleship, and worship -with the influence of the home, where parents and caregivers have the greatest effect on the spiritual development of their children. In this Family Ministry experience, we all learn to be devoted followers of Jesus, while we cultivate lasting faith and actively work toward the reconciliation of the world to Christ.


Safety & Protection Policy at Broadway

The safety and protection of all children and youth involved with family ministries at Broadway Baptist Church is of utmost importance. All staff members and volunteers are required to complete a thorough four-step safety screening and training process before ministry work or volunteer placements begin.

The Broadway Safety & Protection Policy Manual is available to view HERE


Club 56

Grades 1-4



Preschoolers and Kindergartners are growing rapidly, both physically and spiritually. Broadway provides engaging, age-appropriate programs in a safe and supportive environment (ADD) that fosters spiritual growth at a young age and helps build a foundation of faith.

At all times, children are accompanied by two adults who have been trained in compliance with our child protection policy. All of our trained volunteers and child care workers have completed a required background safety check, as well as education in safety and protection.

When you visit on a Sunday morning, please stop at our preschool welcome desk, where you will sign in, receive a security card that will match your child, and provide your mobile number in case we need to text you.

For additional information on Children’s activities, please follow the link to our newsletter Family Connection.

Sunday School – 9:30 - 10:30 am

Through songs, books, art, and guided play, preschoolers and kindergartners are introduced to the stories of the Bible. They will begin to think of Jesus as their friend and learn that God cares for them and loves them.

Worship Care – 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

While parents attend worship, infants through kindergartners are invited to remain in their Sunday School classes for a worship lesson and snack.

Music & Missions – Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:00 pm (3-6 year olds)

During the school year, preschoolers who are three (on September 1) through kindergarten are invited to participate in Music and Missions. This Wednesday night program combines the fun of praising God through song, dance, and instruments with the excitement of learning about missionaries near and far through cooking, games, and art activities.

Parents’ Night Out- one Friday a month, 6:00 - 10:00 pm

Plan an evening out and leave the preschoolers to have fun with us! The cost is $30 for the first child and $7 for each additional child with a family maximum of $51. PNO is open to children who are infants-6th grade. For specific dates, check the events page.

Grades 1-4

Our ministry for children in grades 1 through 4 provides opportunities for them to encounter God, ask key questions, and learn spiritual practices.

Broadway seeks to provide a foundation for sustained spiritual growth, reinforcing the faith formation that is happening at home with parents.

For additional information about Children’s activities, follow the link to our newsletter Family Connection.

Sunday School – 9:30 - 10:30 am

In Sunday School children experience the Bible’s stories of faith through storytelling, drama, crafts, music, and games. They also engage in spiritual practices and begin to experience the love and care of a church family through their friends and leaders.

Gateway to Worship – Sundays in the fall

This class prepares first graders to join their church family in worship by teaching them about the different aspects of the services at Broadway.

Missions in Action – Wednesdays, 5:45 - 7:00 pm during the school year

Children hear stories of local and global missionaries, learn about people and cultures around the world, and take part in service projects that help others through our own Broadway Community Center and other organizations.

Music Program: Choir, Bells, and Chimes – Sundays, 12:40 - 1:45

In our music program, children sing songs, learn to read music, and learn to play rhythmic instruments, hand bells, and chimes. They also participate in worship leadership and perform in Christmas and spring music programs.


Children love going to Camp Broadway, where they can stay overnight at the lodge with their friends, play games, roast marshmallows, and hike. At the same time, they experience God in nature, learn to incorporate stories of faith into everyday life, and try out new prayer practices.  For details about our next retreat, click the events page.

Parents’ Night Out – one Friday a month, 6:00 - 10:00 pm

Plan an evening out and leave the children to have fun with us! The cost is $30 for the first child and $7 for each additional child with a family maximum of $51.  PNO is open to infants- children in 6th grade. For specific dates, check the events page.

Club 56

Club 56 is an opportunity for students and their parents to learn and grow together in their faith journey with God.

We understand the growing need for independence and the uncertainty of moving towards adolescence.  Our hope is to encourage growth, confidence, and a learning environment catered to this important age of 5th and 6th grade.

For additional information about upcoming events for Club 56, follow the link to our newsletter Clubhouse News.

Mack Wilberg Hymn Festival_2018
Sunday School – 9:30 - 10:30 am

Grades 5 and 6 meet in their own “Club 56” department on the 2nd floor of the children’s area. After meeting together for singing and announcements they encounter Bible stories through study, activities, drama, art, and discussion.

Concord Choir and Handbells - Sundays 12:30 – 1:45 pm

From time to time these kids will lead in worship and will participate in Christmas and Spring programs that are special events for all families involved. They will also have a 3 day choir and mission tour in the summer.


Fifth and sixth graders are invited to spend a weekend at Camp Broadway with their friends! We’ll play games, go on a hike, roast marshmallows, learn about Jesus, and more! Example of study topics include “Thinking about becoming a Christian”, “Preparing for Adolescence”, and “How are Star Wars and the Bible alike?”


Our youth learn to be devoted followers of Jesus, providing leadership at church and in the community.
Mack Wilberg Hymn Festival_2018
Sunday School – 9:40 – 10:30 am

Each Sunday from 9:00 – 9:40am, the Youth Hall is open for students to hang out and have breakfast with friends. At 9:40am, they gather for music and announcements before splitting into classes based on their age group. Small groups then gather for Bible study, discussion, and practice other forms of spiritual formation together.

Chapel Choir and Hand Bells

Chapel Choir is a wonderful opportunity for youth to gather with the common goal of worshiping God through song and leading others in worship. Through regular choir and hand bell practice, fundraisers, leading in music throughout the year, fellowships, and a summer choir/mission tour, this groups enjoys building close friendships while also growing in their relationship with God.

Rehearsal Schedule, Sundays, 12:30-2:45 pm

Chapel Choir (7th-12th Grade) – Sundays 12:30-1:45 pm

Hand Bell Rehearsal – Sundays 1:45-2:45 pm

Wednesday Night Discipleship – 5:45 – 7:00 pm

The Youth Hall opens at 4:00 pm for students to have dinner, play games, and do homework. At 5:45 pm, students and leaders start with announcements and prayer time, followed by a Bible study, other discipleship topics, or service projects.

Service Projects and Youth Trips

Our students serve the church and the community in many ways, including Operation Christmas Child, 30 Hour Famine, Spring Break Mission Trip for high schoolers- cut, the Agape Meal, Cheer Groups, Clothes Closet/Food Pantry Scavenger Hunts, Choir/Mission Tour. We also have retreats at Camp Broadway, as well as Mid-Winter Retreat and Youth Camp with our larger camping association.

Broadway Ministries

Adult Education

Community Ministry

Music & Worship

Congregational Care

Camp Broadway

Family Ministries