Broadway seeks to be a beacon of God’s joy and justice, Christ’s hope and reconciliation, and the Holy Spirit’s courage and healing love.

We are working to create a church and world where all people are welcome and belong in the beloved community of God. Through the ministries of worship, education, compassion and advocacy, Broadway provides a place of grace, beauty, sanctuary, inclusivity, and brave faith.


Millie Williams (left) and Maureda Travis (right) with Chancel Choir Director, Dr. Michael Cox.

Chancel Choir Hall of Fame Honorees
Two long-time members of Chancel Choir were recognized as Broadway Chancel Choir Hall of Fame members at the Fall Choir Retreat on Friday, October 13, 2023. Millie Williams and Maureda Travis have each been choir members for more than forty years.
Millie sang alto and brought much enthusiasm, a desire to learn and love to the community of singers in choir. For many years she enjoyed singing beside her friend Lige Nelson.
 Maureda sang soprano and also shared her keyboard skills with the choir. Maureda led children’s choirs for several years. Tiffany McClain, our Music and Worship Coordinator remembers being in Super Singers when Maureda was the director.
Their names have been added to the Hall of Fame plaque in the choir room. Please join the choir in congratulating these two women for their many years of dedicated service to Chancel Choir and the Music Ministry at Broadway Baptist Church.


Agape Meal
Thursday, October 19 at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall

Broadway’s weekly Agape Meal is an opportunity to serve in fellowship with our neighbors. This week’s menu features pot roast, mashed potatoes, vegetables, bread tea, and assorted desserts. 

Orientation and training for new volunteers is provided prior to the Agape Meal between 5:30 and 5:45 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Meal service begins at 6:00 p.m. with a worship service from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. There are several ways to volunteer: set up tables, serve meals, host tables, and clean up. Email Peter Nelson with questions. 

Coffee Fellowship
Sundays at  9:00 a.m. in Room 302

Coffee fellowship will be offered in room 302 this Sunday starting at 9:00 a.m. for fellowship. Enjoy fresh locally made pastries from Three Danes Bakery as well as hot tea and coffee from Cherry Coffee Shop of Fort Worth.  

Worship Sunday, October 22 at 10:50 a.m.
Sunday is our annual celebration of Children’s Sabbath, and our first through fourth graders will be the worship leaders in the service. Toi Mack will lead the children’s sermon. Our Children’s Choir and Mini Kids (preschoolers) will sing “Who Are the Ministers of My Church?” written by Emily Davis. Brian and Sarah Brisco will give the first stewardship testimony for the 2024-2025 pledges. The Chancel Choir will sing “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” arranged by Mack Wilberg. Jennifer Davis will preach from 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10.

Broadway LGBTQ+ Hospitality & Advocacy Group Invitation
Sunday, October 22 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. in the Library 

Broadway has a new group focused on LGBTQ+ Hospitality and Advocacy which is hosting a gathering after church this Sunday, October 22 to discuss ideas and ways to offer LGBTQ+ inclusive hospitality and advocacy at Broadway and our community at large. Areas of discussion will be education, advocacy, hospitality, and events. Light refreshments will be offered. Please RSVP here to let us know you plan to attend! Contact Jenn Nelson with questions. View flyer here

Families On Mission Donation Drive Ends Sunday, October 22
Help the Families on Mission project who will be packing Christmas boxes for the teenagers staying at the Morris Women’s and Family Center at the Presbyterian Night Shelter.

Donated items needed:
Body wash, sketchbooks, nice pens/markers, stickers, small blankets or decorative pillows, $5 gift cards, beanie hats, scarves, and/or gloves, headphones, blue tooth speakers, skincare items, makeup tools, and phone chargers. And any other appropriate teen gifts- no candy or food please. ($5 and Under stores are a good place to purchase some of these items.) 
There is a collection box in the Centrum to place your items. Collection ends this Sunday! 


Perennials Host Organ Demonstration with Bradley Reznicek & Potluck
Tuesday, October 24 at 10:30 a.m.

Join the Perennials fellowship group for a wonderful organ demonstration by Broadway organist, Bradley Reznicek on the Rildia Bee O’Bryan Cliburn Organ, Tuesday, October 24 at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Following the demonstration, the group will gather in Fellowship Hall for a potluck lunch and conversation.  Click HERE to register or you can register by contacting Tracey McKee.


Families on Mission Christmas at Halloween Event 
Wednesday, October 25, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

All families are invited to attend our Families on Mission, Christmas at Halloween event on Wednesday, October 25, 6:00-8:00pm.  Join us for a costume contest, mission project, a visit to our haunted houses, and trick or treating around the church. Childcare will be available for children 2 and under.  The event is free, but reservations are required.  Click HERE to register.  Please register by Monday, October 23. 

NOTE: There will be no activities for children or youth on Thursday evening, Oct. 26. 

Parents Night Out 
Friday, October 27 from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. 

Families with children aged infants through Grade 6 are invited to drop-off their children for a night of fun while they can take some time for themselves. Parents’ Night Out is October 27 from 6:00-10:00 p.m. The cost is $30 for the first child, $7 for each additional sibling with a family max of $51.  Please have your child each dinner before or bring dinner with you. Snacks will be provided.  Click HERE to register and pay. Please register by Wednesday, Oct 25. Contact Mary Jesse for more information.


Teddy Bear Party
Sunday, November 5, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. 

Preschool Ministries is hosting a Teddy Bear Party in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, November 5 from 6:00-7:30pm. This event is for all preschoolers and their families (don’t forget the preschool grandkids too.)  Each child will have the opportunity to stuff a teddy bear that they pick out, and then dress it in an outfit of their choice. Additionally, there will be a craft station where they can make a simple craft, as well as some refreshments. The evening will culminate with the children participating in a teddy bear fashion show where the kids will walk across the stage to show off their new bear.
The cost is just $10 per bear which includes clothing.  Click HERE to register and pay. 

Baylor Men’s Choir Concert
Sunday, November 12 at 5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary 

The 80-voice Baylor Men’s Choir will offer a concert on Sunday, November 12 at 5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The choir is composed of students from all areas of study. 


Food Drive for May Street Market
We are continuing our collection of donated food items for our May Street Market. When you’re doing your grocery shopping this week, pick up a few extra items for our neighbors.
Here are the primary items we need, which are currently in short supply at the Tarrant Area Food Bank:

  • Canned and packaged tuna
  • 1-pound jars of peanut butter

Place your donated items in the blue bin outside the Centrum office on Sunday or bring them by the Community Center any time it is open.

Sandwich Makers Needed for October
Each week we distribute about 500 sack lunches to our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness and food insecurity. One key ingredient in our sack lunches is a freshly made sandwich.
Thanks to the following Sunday School classes who have recently made sandwiches or are scheduled to make sandwiches for upcoming weeks:

  • Circle of Grace
  • Crosspaths
  • Ragamuffins
  • All Things New
  • Journey Inward, Journey Outward

Thanks, also, to our Men’s Class, which made 250 hygiene kits for our Community Center and overflow shelter families.
During October, some of our regular sandwich makers are taking a break. We need volunteers who would be willing to make sandwiches for this ministry over the next several weeks. This is a great volunteer opportunity for families to do together or church groups like Sunday School classes. We can even provide the ingredients to make the sandwiches if you need them. Contact Peter Nelson to volunteer and for instructions on how to prepare sandwiches for safe and sanitary distribution.

Cloud Covered Streets
Broadway will again welcome Cloud Covered Streets to the Community Center on Friday, October 20. This faith-based ministry provides showers, laundry facilities, and haircuts to those in need. We are so thankful to offer these services to our guests and neighbors. Cloud Covered Streets will be at Broadway’s Community Center on the first, third, and fifth Fridays every month from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help, especially those who are qualified to cut hair. Click here to volunteer.
Here is a list of upcoming dates for Cloud Covered Streets at Broadway:

  • October 20
  • November 3
  • November 17
  • December 1
Financial Report Budget Year 2023-24


Online Giving
If you would like to contribute to the ministries of Broadway Baptist Church, you can do so by visiting our website Giving Page, download our Mobile App, or text “Give” to 817-383-1336. 
Prayer Requests
Let us know how we may pray for you using the following link: 

               Prayer Requests

Your requests will be prayed over by the Broadway Ministry team and Intercessory Prayer Group. 

Broadway Casserole Ministry
Do you know a church member who needs a little help or cheer? Broadway’s Congregational Care Ministry has a group of people who are making delicious food and will deliver to someone who could use a bit of loving care. It may be someone who has lost a loved one, had a new baby, is experiencing illness or surgery, or maybe it is a caregiver who could benefit from a hot meal. 
If you know someone who could benefit from this ministry, please let us know by submitting a Casserole Request

Member Deaths
Mike Williams passed away Saturday, September 16. His service will be on October 21 at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

Lois Morris passed away Saturday, October 14. Service will be Monday, October 23, at 1:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. 

Community Prayers

Pray for our staff and volunteers at the Community Center as they provide groceries, sack lunches, and meals to our community.
Pray for our Agape friends.
Pray for all those who work in hospitals, shelters, and our first responders.

Pray for children who are not in safe homes and may be experiencing abuse or neglect.
Pray for the two refugee families from Afghanistan that we are helping.

Pray for protection of our children and all victims of gun violence in this country. 

Pray for the families we will be offering shelter to at Broadway. 

Pray for neighbors in financial crisis needing assistance. 

Pray for the people of Israel and Palestine. 


Copyright © 2020 Broadway Baptist Church, All rights reserved.