Broadway seeks to be a beacon of God’s joy and justice, Christ’s hope and reconciliation, and the Holy Spirit’s courage and healing love.

We are working to create a church and world where all people are welcome and belong in the beloved community of God. Through the ministries of worship, education, compassion and advocacy, Broadway provides a place of grace, beauty, sanctuary, inclusivity, and brave faith.


Children & Youth Christmas Program
This past Sunday, December 10 Broadway’s children and youth answered the question “What Can I Give Him?”, by gifting a beautiful time of music and song to all. The program included all of our children and youth ensembles: Mini Kids, Children’s, Concord, and Chapel Choirs as well as the BBC Youth Chamber Orchestra. This amazing group shared a truly delightful Advent and Christmas music program featuring chimes, bells, choirs, featured harp, violin, and guitar instrumentalists. A special thank you to Emily Davis and the music leaders and accompanists who worked for many months preparing these wonderful young musicians and singers.


Turtle Creek Chorale
Make plans to join us this Saturday at 7:00 p.m. for a FREE preview of the most highly anticipated and joyous holiday concerts ever from the Turtle Creek Chorale! All your favorite holiday pieces, but with a twist. A thrilling, dynamic, and jubilant twist! Don’t miss this opportunity. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Learn more about Turtle Creek Choral here

Agape Meal Thursday, December 14 at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall
Broadway’s weekly Agape Meal is an opportunity to serve in fellowship with our neighbors. This week’s menu is turkey, dressing, green beans, and sweet potatoes along with bread, tea, and assorted desserts. We will also have a very special visitor from the North Pole – Santa! 

Orientation and training for new volunteers is provided prior to the Agape Meal between 5:30 and 5:45 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Meal service begins at 6:00 p.m. with a worship service from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. There are several ways to volunteer: set up tables, serve meals, host tables, and clean up. Email Peter Nelson with questions. 

Coffee Fellowship
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in Room 302

Coffee fellowship will be offered in room 302 this Sunday starting at 9:00 a.m. for fellowship. Enjoy fresh locally made pastries as well as hot tea and coffee from Cherry Coffee Shop of Fort Worth.  

Joy Sunday, December 17 at 10:50 a.m.
This Sunday is Joy Sunday and Broadway’s Advent Festival. We will celebrate the day and Dr. Michael Cox’s approaching retirement by hearing the Chancel Choir and the Orchestra at Broadway perform some of his spectacular music. Deo Gratias, is a grand five-movement work with soloists, Julie Liston Johnson, soprano; Erin Roth Thomas, alto; Scot Cameron, tenor; and David Grogan, bass. The orchestra will also play “Ode to Joy,” originally composed for string quartet. Ryon Price will preach a sermon titled “76104” from Isaiah 61:1-4.

Retirement Announcement for Dr. Michael Cox
After 17 years of service at Broadway, Dr. Michael Cox has announced his intention to retire at the end of this month. December 31, 2023 will be his last day to conduct the Chancel Choir. A celebration of Dr. Cox in worship and luncheon are planned for January 21, 2024.
Love Offering: As is consistent with Broadway’s policy for retiring employees, members and friends are invited to contribute love offerings to Dr. Cox in thank you for his service. 
Checks may be paid to the church or the Give form may be accessed online. Mark “love offering for Dr. Cox” in the note. Please know contributions directed to individual persons are not tax deductible.

Pledge Update
Thank you to everyone who has already submitted their pledge card in support of the 2024-25 budget.  
To date, we have received pledges in the amount of $1,214,156.52 This represents 71% of our pledge goal of $1.7 million.
If you have not yet submitted your pledge card, please prayerfully consider your support for next year’s budget. You can mail your completed pledge card to the church, place in the offering plate on Sunday, or complete your pledge card online through the church website’s GIVE page or the church mobile app.
Thank you for your faithful and generous support of Broadway, a place where Everybody Belongs!  

Broadway’s Alternative Gift Catalog: Holiday Shopping with a Purpose
Each year, Broadway publishes an Alternative Gift Catalog for those wanting to make their holiday shopping have a meaningful, lasting impact in our community.
The gifts in the catalog support the mission and ministries of Broadway while recognizing family and friends with a gift in their honor. The Jake Whisenant Scholarship Fund is one of the featured gift options this year for supporting youth attending Chapel Choir tour. For each gift you purchase, the person you’re honoring will receive a personalized card letting them know about the gift and who it is from. The card will not mention the amount of the gift but will inform them which ministry the gift supports. While suggested amounts for each item are listed in the catalog, please choose the amount that’s right for you.
Click here to view this year’s Alternative Gift Catalog and discover the many ways you can support Broadway ministries! The catalog will be available online through January 1.


November by the Numbers
November was a very busy month at our Community Center.
Here’s a brief report of services provided in November:

  • Sack Lunches: 1,605 lunches distributed
  • Groceries: 364 households served (1,261 persons)
  • Agape Meal: 540 meals served (over four dates)
  • Adult Clothing Ministry: 89 people served
  • Winter Coats: 152 coats, hats, and gloves distributed
  • Children’s Clothing: 23 children served
  • School Uniforms: 22 students served
  • Rental and Utilities Assistance: $450 in financial assistance provided
  • Diaper Bank: 73 children and adults served
  • Volunteer Hours: 168 hours from 72 volunteers

To give you a sense of how much our services have increased, in November 2022 we served 175 families through our May Street Market. This November, that number increased to 364 families: a more than 100% increase since last year. The demand for our services continues to grow. We are looking for additional volunteers to serve in our May Street Market and Adult Clothing Room. To volunteer or for more information, contact Holly Alexander.
Thanks to our wonderful staff and volunteers who make these services possible and those who contribute financially to support the ministries and mission of Broadway. 

Cloud Covered Streets
Broadway will again welcome Cloud Covered Streets to the Community Center on Friday, December 15. This will be the final visit for 2023.
This faith-based ministry provides showers, laundry facilities, and haircuts to those in need. We are so thankful to offer these services to our guests and neighbors. Cloud Covered Streets will be at Broadway’s Community Center on the first, third, and fifth Fridays every month from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help, especially those who are qualified to cut hair. Click here to volunteer.
Here is a list of upcoming dates for Cloud Covered Streets at Broadway: 

  • December 15
  • January 5
  • January 19

Winter Coat and Blanket Donations Needed
In November, Broadway distributed 200 coats, hats, and gloves to our neighbors experiencing homelessness. As the temperatures continue to drop, our Community Center continues to receive requests for coats and blankets. Your donations of new or gently used coats and blankets will be a great gift to our Community Center guests over the winter months. Donations can be dropped off in the blue bin near the Centrum office or at the Community Center anytime the Center is open. Contact Holly Alexander for more information about donations.

Food Drive for May Street Market 
In November, Broadway members donated over 1,000 pounds of canned meats and vegetables. Thank you for your generous donations!
This month, we are again collecting donated food items for our May Street Market. When you’re doing your grocery shopping this week, pick up a few extra items for our neighbors.
Here are the primary items we need, which are currently in short supply at the Tarrant Area Food Bank:

  • Canned and packaged tuna
  • 1-pound jars of peanut butter
  • Cans of soup
  • Canned vegetables and fruits

Place your donated items in the blue bin outside the Centrum office on Sunday or bring them by the Community Center any time it is open.


Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
Sunday, December 24 
5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary 
11:00 p.m. in Fleming Chapel

Through music and scripture readings, the 5:00 pm service in the Sanctuary features the Chancel Choir, Chapel Choir, harp, and the Rildia Bee O’Bryan Cliburn Organ. 

The more intimate evening candlelight service will feature piano and guitar in Fleming Chapel at 11:00 p.m.

Childcare will be available for children ages 3 and younger for the 5:00 pm service.

Childcare will not be available for 11:00 p.m. service.

January Sunday School Class with Pastor Ryon Price and Dr. Dan Stiver: 
“Not Sacrifice?: Other Understandings of Atonement”
Sundays in January at 9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall 

Why did Jesus die? Was he a sacrifice to God for our sins? What does that say about God? Are there other ways of understanding the meaning of his life and death? Is there a better understanding of Atonement than the one we grew up with? What does this mean for righteousness and justice?
Join Pastor Ryon Price and special guest Dr. Dan Stiver as they explore these questions and more in a 4-week Sunday series January 7, 14, 21, and 28. Sessions will meet at 9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.

Register to attend HERE

Financial Report Budget Year 2023-24


2023-24 Budget Deficit
We want to give you an update on the church’s financial position. For the 2023-24 fiscal year, we are running about $80,000 behind on our budget contributions. Additionally, we have a large December budget goal of $295,160.
To compensate for this budget shortfall, we have had to draw $55,000 on our Line of Credit loan.
As we approach the end of the calendar year, please consider making a year-end contribution to help us reach our December giving goal and help us make up the $80,000 budget shortfall. It’s essential that we do this to avoid having to draw further on our line of credit.
If you have fallen behind on your pledge gift, now’s a great time to catch up. If you have been blessed financially this past year, consider making an extra contribution to the operating budget in support of the mission and ministries of Broadway Baptist Church.
Thanks for your generosity and faithfulness. 

Support Broadway’s Ministries with a Year-End Gift 
As 2023 draws to a close, there is still an opportunity for you to give your tax-deductible gift to support the ministries and mission of Broadway Baptist Church.

Appreciated stock gifts allow your gift to Broadway to be up to 20% larger because you avoid the taxes you would incur from selling the stock and then donating the cash. You can also gift appreciated securities (i.e., stocks, bonds, mutual funds). If you have held on to these for more than one year, you avoid capital gains taxes and claim an income tax deduction for the full market value of the security.

Many Broadway members and friends take advantage of an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). A 2015 federal law passed allowing donors over age 72 the opportunity to make gifts to their church directly from their IRA. This provides two donor benefits:

Excludes the amount of their gift from their taxable personal gross income
Counts toward their IRA’s required minimum distribution

Transfers are limited to $100,000 per taxpayer per year and the transfer must be transmitted directly from your IRA administrator to the church. Some additional limitations may apply.

IMPORTANT: Broadway Baptist Church does not give tax advice. You should contact your tax advisor to obtain information about the effect any of these gifts would have on your taxes.

If you want to make any of these gifts to Broadway Baptist Church, you will need to contact your financial advisor to complete the needed paperwork. You will need this mailing information:

Rachael Moffett, Accounting Associate
Broadway Baptist Church
305 W. Broadway Avenue
Fort Worth, TX  76104

If you need additional assistance or information, contact Rachael Moffett, Accounting Associate.

Online Giving
If you would like to contribute to the ministries of Broadway Baptist Church, you can do so by visiting our website Giving Page, download our Mobile App, or text “Give” to 817-383-1336. 
Prayer Requests
Let us know how we may pray for you using the following link: 


               Prayer Requests

Your requests will be prayed over by the Broadway Ministry team and Intercessory Prayer Group. 

Member Deaths

Karen Tjarks passed away Sunday, November 19.
Service information to be announced.

Community PrayersPray for our staff and volunteers at the Community Center as they provide groceries, sack lunches, and meals to our community.
Pray for our Agape friends.
Pray for all those who work in hospitals, shelters, and our first responders.

Pray for children who are not in safe homes and may be experiencing abuse or neglect.
Pray for the two refugee families from Afghanistan that we are helping.

Pray for protection of our children and all victims of gun violence in this country. 

Pray for the families we will be offering shelter to at Broadway. 

Pray for neighbors in financial crisis needing assistance. 

Pray for the people of Israel and Palestine. 

Copyright © 2020 Broadway Baptist Church, All rights reserved.