Staff Anniversaries
Join us in celebrating the following February staff anniversaries: 
Jeff DeLong and Josh Lucas joined Broadway as part-time security officers on February 2, 2020. Today marks two years for both of them.

Thank you Jeff and Josh for your valued commitment and service to ministries and community of Broadway!


Winter Weather Closings and Cancellations
With the forecast for precipitation coupled with freezing temperatures this week, Broadway has made the following decisions about closings and cancellations.

  • Church offices and Community Center will close at noon on Wednesday, February 2.
  • All Wednesday afternoon and evening activities have been cancelled.
  • Church offices and Community Center will remain closed on Thursday, February 3.
  • Agape Meal has been cancelled for Thursday, February 3.

If the winter weather and freezing temperatures continue, it is possible that church offices and the Community Center will remain closed on Friday. We encourage you to monitor Broadway’s Facebook page for updated closings and cancellation information or email

Possible Volunteer Need: Broadway has been asked by the city to serve as a back-up warming center during the expected freezing temperatures on Thursday and Friday. If needed, Broadway would be activated as a place where people can come to get in out of the cold between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
If activated, volunteers will be needed to welcome and serve guests. If you are interested and willing to serve a two-hour shift on either Thursday or Friday, contact Peter Nelson.

Worship Sunday, February 6 at 10:50 a.m.
This Sunday in worship we will observe communion. The Chancel Choir will sing “But By Love” by Dan Forrest. Ryon Price will preach from 1 Corinthians 15:1-5.

Join us for worship in person or via live stream on our website or on our Facebook page. 

Becoming Broadway Class Registration Open
Sunday February 20 and 27, 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. in Room 302

Designed for new members, those interested in becoming a member, or simply learning more about Broadway. Led by Senior Pastor Ryon Price and Church Administrator Peter Nelson, this fun and informative class meets for two Sundays from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. in room 302. A catered lunch is provided. This class is an opportunity to meet the staff and other new members and congregants of Broadway.
To learn more or register to attend, please contact Tracey McKee or call  817-336-5761 ext. 8226.

Pandemic Worship Sound Bytes Project Features Broadway
Broadway worship recordings from 2020 were featured in a new exhibit by The American Religious Sounds Project COVID-19 research, funded through Ohio State University Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme COVID-19 Special Grants Initiative. Over the course of the project they received hundreds of submissions from across the country, as well as from listeners in the UK, Canada, India, and Russia. 

Now many of those sounds are being featured in a new exhibit: Unmute! Listening for Religion in the Age of COVID-19For the sound bytes that include Broadway, click on Audio Essay on the right side. Also go to Essays, Pandemic Easter, then click on that audio essay.

In the exhibit you will hear both the words of religious leaders as they speak to their communities and the sounds of religious practice as it moved into new spaces. Listen to Ramadan observances moved online and outdoors, the shofars blown outside for Rosh Hashanah, cars honking “Amen” at a drive-in Easter service, and a Sikh memorial service conducted on Zoom. 

2022-23 Stewardship Pledge Update
Thanks to everyone who has already submitted their pledge card. To date, we’ve received pledges totaling a total amount of $1,368,000. This pledge amount represents 91% of our total pledge goal of $1.5 million.
This is excellent progress towards our budget pledge goal, but we still have work to do. We still need to receive pledges in the amount of $132, 000 in order to reach our goal.
If you have not submitted your pledge card yet, there are three ways that you can submit it:

  • Go the GIVE page on the church’s website and complete the online pledge card
  • Place your completed pledge card in the offering plate on Sunday (cards are available in the Centrum)
  • Complete the pledge card you received in the mail and send it back to the church office

Your gift helps Broadway put our “faith and love into action.”


Firewood For Sale!
Just in time for the winter weather, Camp Broadway is having a Firewood Sale.  We have plenty of wood for everyone’s fireplaces or firepits, all you need to do is come and get it!
Funds from our sale will help us purchase materials and install a new electric entry gate and entry fencing at Camp Broadway. The addition of the new gate and fencing will help us in several ways…a nicer “first impression” when people drive by or come for a tour; easier access for guests, especially at night or during inclement weather; and better security for all.
We are selling 1/8 of a cord of wood for $35 and ½ of a cord of wood for $100.  You can pick out the pieces you want and then load them in your car.

A very generous offer has been made by Matt Ferguson:  if you would like wood delivered to your home, Matt will deliver and stack it for you.  The price for this service is $70 for an 1/8th of a cord and $200 for a half cord.  All money goes to the Camp Broadway gate fund.
Full disclosure:  The camp is experiencing Oak Wilt disease and Emerald Ash Bore.  Camp Director, Fran Patterson, has been working with the Texas A&M Forestry Department for advisement. They give the ok to sell because all of the wood to be sold has been cured for at least one year, so the threat of spreading either Oak Wilt or Emerald Ash Bore is not a problem.  We do ask that the wood be kept within Tarrant County.
Call, text, or email Fran at 817 845-8876 or to arrange a pick up or delivery time. Thank you for your continued support of Camp Broadway!

Staff and Business Day Retreats at Camp Broadway

Recently, the Camp has hosted several day retreats for area churches.  Legacy Church, University Baptist in Fort Worth, and First Baptist Church in Saginaw have all had week day planning/staff retreats at the Camp. 
Camp Broadway is a great place for you and your group to come to plan, hold a staff development, or have a company social gathering.  Located just 25 minutes from Downtown Fort Worth, it is an easy drive and once you arrive, you will feel like you are far away from the hustle of everyday life.  We have a great meeting spaces and we also have many outdoor recreation areas and walking trails for free time.
If you are interested in the possibility of your group or business coming to the Camp, call, text, or email Fran,  817 845-8876 or, to set up a tour.  Camp Broadway is ready to host your group!


January by the Numbers
2022 is off to a roaring start! January was another busy month at our Community Center as we continue to provide essential services to our neighbors and guests. 
Here’s a brief report of services provided in January: 

  • Sack Lunches: 1,011 lunches distributed
  • Groceries: 164 households served (497 persons)
  • Agape Meal: 290 meals served
  • Adult Clothing Ministry: 68 people served
  • Rental Assistance: $388 in financial assistance provided
  • Diaper Bank: 36 families served

Additionally in January, as part of the MLK Day of Service, Broadway volunteers packed 500 lunches for workers at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo while other volunteers assembled 1000 hygiene kits to be distributed through the Community Center and the Agape Meal.
Thanks to our wonderful staff and volunteers who make these services possible and those who contribute financially to support the ministries and mission of Broadway. 

Cloud Covered Streets at Broadway
Broadway was pleased to welcome Cloud Covered Streets to the Community Center on Friday, January 28. This is a faith-based ministry that provides showers, laundry facilities, and haircuts to those in need. Last Friday, they had 21 guests visit—14 used the shower facilities, six used the laundry services, and ten guests got haircuts. We are so thankful to offer these services to our guests and neighbors.
Additionally, the employees at Monticello Health Services, our neighbors at the medical facility at the corner of St. Louis and Daggett, saw what was happening at our Community Center and brought welcome bags for all the guests who visited.  

Cloud Covered Streets will be at Broadway’s Community Center on alternating Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help, especially those who are qualified to cut hair. Click here to volunteer.

Here is a list of upcoming dates at Broadway:  
                                              February 11         February 25
                                              March 11             March 25
                                              April 8                 April 22

Grants Available for Members in Need
Many members of our congregation are feeling the financial effects of the COVID 19 crisis.  Some have been furloughed from their jobs, some have incurred medical expenses, while others have lost their livelihood altogether.  To assist with the many needs arising from this crisis, funds from the Congregational Care and the pastoral care budgets are being made available for our members.
Each grant amount will be up to $500, depending on the need of the individual or family.  We are asking that members in need of assistance complete a simple grant application form.  Information from the application will be kept in strict confidence.  Our Pastoral staff will review the applications and make the grant assignments.
If you and/or your family could use some help during these uncertain times, please email Fran Patterson for an application.  Also, if you are looking for ways to help during this crisis, please contact Fran.
Keeping Connected with the Broadway Mobile
The Broadway mobile app offers many useful features such as:
  • Update your contact information
  • View worship services
  • Secure giving
  • Secure view of financial contributions
  • Submit a prayer request or contact the church office
  • View and register for events and more!
App Tip: If you are a member and don’t see the directory tile, go to profile and log in again. 

Need login information? Contact Jenn Nelson. To download the app click HERE.

Mobile Membership Directory: The Broadway membership directory is available online via the mobile app. For security, this directory option only shows when the app user is also a Broadway member with a church membership account.  You may make updates to your contact information through the app, including uploading a picture. Please email Jenn Nelson with questions and to let us know if you prefer to not have your contact information listed in the membership directory.
Financial Report Budget Year 2021-22


Online Giving
If you would like to contribute to the ministries of Broadway Baptist Church, you can do so by visiting our website Giving Page, download our Mobile App, or text “Give” to 817-383-1336. 
Prayer Requests
Let us know how we may pray for you using the following link: 

               Prayer Requests

Your requests will be prayed over by the Broadway Ministry team and Intercessory Prayer Group. 

Member Death
Mary Hiett passed away on January 30, 2022.  A memorial service at Broadway is planned for May 14 at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.  In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Broadway’s music ministry.

Community Prayers
Pray for our Navajo Mission Partners in New Mexico as they are hit hard by the COVID pandemic and expecting a hard winter.

Please pray for the two refugee families from Afghanistan that we are helping.

Pray for our staff and volunteers at the Community Center as they provide groceries, sack lunches, and meals to our community.
Pray for all those who work in hospitals, shelters, and our first responders.
Pray for those who are facing loss or reduction of employment.
Pray for families with children at home as well as parents trying to balance working from home or a sudden income loss. 

Pray for children who are not in safe homes and may be abused or neglected.

Pray for all children and youth in school. Pray for those who take care of our children and youth-school staff and volunteers, church volunteers, and all parents and caretakers during this challenging time.

Copyright © 2020 Broadway Baptist Church, All rights reserved.