New Members
Join us in welcoming new members to Broadway!  Sunday, February 5, Jennifer and Dennis LeBow made their decision to become members. Jennifer grew up at Broadway and returns with her family to Fort Worth. We are thankful for the unique gifts and experiences each new member brings to our growing congregation. Please make sure to welcome them when you see them next. 


Staff Anniversaries
Jeff DeLong and Josh Lucas joined Broadway staff in February 2020 and celebrate three years this month.

Thank you Jeff and Josh for your valued commitment and service to the ministries and community of Broadway! 



Wednesday Night Bible Study
Tonight at 6:00 p.m. in Fleming Chapel 

Join us tonight in Fleming Chapel for this new Wednesday night Bible study of the book of Revelation with Pastor Ryon Price. Interested in learning more about this mysterious and often-misunderstood and sometimes misused book? Come learn about the meaning of this book for its own original context and ours!
Wednesday nights are relaxed and informal gatherings song and Bible study in our beautiful Fleming Chapel.

Live stream option will also available for those who cannot attend in person on our website and Facebook page. 

Wednesday Night Family Ministries
Tonight at 5:45 p.m.  

Children ages 3-Kindergarten
Music & Missions Class

Meet in the downstairs area of the children’s building. 

Grades 1-6                   
Missions in Action and Handbell practice

Meet in the Celebration Room 

Grades 7-12                
 meet in the Youth Hall; youth area is open at 4:30 for youth to hang out.

Coffee Fellowship Sundays
9:00 a.m. in Room 302

Join us in room 302 starting at 9:00 a.m. for fellowship. Enjoy fresh locally made pastries from Three Danes Baking Company as well as hot tea and coffee from our local Starbucks. 

Worship Sunday, February 12 at 10:50 a.m. 
This Sunday, Emily Davis will preach “Many Gifts, One Spirit” from 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. Toi Mack will lead the Children’s Sermon. The Chancel Choir will sing “If You Love Me,” by John Ness Beck.

Youth Fundraiser Spring Flower Sale
Starts Sunday, February 12 to March 5

Beginning this Sunday, February 12 through Sunday, March 5 Broadway Youth will be conducting their annual Spring Flower Sale. Beautiful Petunias, Begonias, and Impatiens and more will be available to order in flats of 18 4” pots.  Each flat is $18. Youth sale proceeds benefit their BBC accounts for camps and Chapel Choir Tour. Contact your favorite Broadway Youth to place your order beginning February 12!

Youth T-Shirt Fundraiser for Agape Meal
Sunday, February 12 through Sunday, March 5

The BBC Youth Group are selling T-shirts to raise funds for our church’s Agape Meal, which feeds our homeless and food insecure neighbors each Thursday night. All proceeds go directly to support the Agape Meal Ministry of Broadway. The fundraiser only lasts two weeks, February 8 – February 22, Ash Wednesday, so please buy a few t-shirts and share the purchasing link with everyone you know!  BBC T-Shirt Order


T-shirt art design: Kennedy Mayer, Broadway Youth
Gildan 5000 heavy cotton t-shirt in navy blue.

Disaster Relief Efforts for Turkey and Syria 

Broadway’s Missions Committee is organizing contributions to disaster relief efforts in Turkey and Syria through our partners at CBF. As you’ve seen on the news, both countries suffered the impact of a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake on February 6. According to news reports, more than 7,000 people have been killed and tens of thousands injured as a direct result of this tragedy. Thousands of buildings have collapsed as rescue and aid workers search the rubble for survivors and victims. This tragedy is creating a humanitarian disaster in both countries but especially northwestern Syria, where more than four million people rely on humanitarian assistance. Aid and assistance are greatly needed for food, shelter, winter clothing, and medical assistance.
We hope you will join us for the churchwide fellowship luncheon on Sunday, February 19. The meal is free of charge, and everyone is welcome. At the meal, we will provide an update on the disaster relief efforts in the region and the work that CBF is doing to bring aid and relief to those impacted by the earthquakes. Our Missions Committee will be collecting donations for our disaster relief fund. 100% of contributions given will go directly to CBF’s disaster relief efforts in the region. Join us for lunch and consider donating what you would normally spend for a Sunday afternoon lunch.
If you are unable to attend the luncheon but still want to contribute, you can do so by visiting the GIVE page on our church website.
Click here to learn more about CBF’s efforts in the region.


Parents Night Out
Friday, February 17 from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. 

Ready for a date night or just time to run errands? Our next Parents’ Night Out is right around the corner on Friday, February 17 from 6pm to 10 pm for infants through grade 6.  The cost is $30 for the first child and $7 for each additional sibling with a family max of $51.  Register now to reserve a spot! PNO Registration

Becoming Broadway Class
Sundays February 19, 26, and March 5  12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

Designed for new members, those interested in becoming a member, or simply learning more about Broadway. Led by Pastors and church staff, this fun and informative class meets for three Sundays from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. Becoming Broadway is a place for you to meet our Pastors and staff, connect with others, learn about who we are and why we do what we do as a church, and find your own ways to be involved.

A catered lunch is provided. Childcare is available with reservation. 


Deacon Board Meeting
Monday, February 20 at 6:30 p.m. 

The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Deacons is Monday, February 20 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. If you wish to attend as a guest, please contact us at

Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, February 22 at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary 


January by the Numbers 
Even with some freezing temperatures and closures, January was another busy month at our Community Center.

Here’s a brief report of services provided in January:

  • Sack Lunches: 934 lunches distributed
  • Groceries: 143 households served (468 persons)
  • Agape Meal: 310 meals served  
  • Adult Clothing Ministry: 78 people served
  • Children’s Clothing: 12 families served
  • Rental and Utilities Assistance: $1,718 in financial assistance provided
  • Diaper Bank: 36 families served
  • Volunteers: 109 volunteer hours

Thanks to our wonderful staff and volunteers who make these services possible and those who contribute financially to support the ministries and mission of Broadway. 

Agape Meal  
After cancelling our Agape Meal last week due to freezing and hazardous conditions, our weekly community meal returns this Thursday night.
Volunteers are needed each week to serve as table hosts and servers. Volunteers should arrive between 5:15 – 5:30. Dinner is served at 6:00 followed by a worship service at 6:30. With clean-up, volunteers are done by 7:15.
Contact our Community Ministries Coordinator, Josh Lucas if you are interested in volunteering or want to know more about our Agape Meal.

Peanut Butter Sundays 
Thanks to everyone who participated in Peanut Butter Sundays during January. During the month, we collected over 250 one-pound jars of peanut butter for our May Street Market.
Your generosity helped us stock the shelves in our pantry with this grocery staple and fill our neighbor’s shopping carts.
If you missed out, you can still contribute by placing your donation in the blue cart in the Centrum or visit the GIVE page on the church website to contribute to the May Street Market.  

Financial Report Budget Year 2022-23


2022 Contribution Statements
Due to the inclement weather and office closures last week, we had some delays in mailing year-end contribution statements. Statements were mailed this week and you should receive them in the mail shortly if you haven’t already. Please contact Rachael Moffett, Accounting Associate, if you do not receive your 2022 statement.
Thank you for your faithful and generous support of the mission and ministries of Broadway Baptist Church.

Online Giving
If you would like to contribute to the ministries of Broadway Baptist Church, you can do so by visiting our website Giving Page, download our Mobile App, or text “Give” to 817-383-1336. 

Offering Envelopes: BBC offering envelopes are available to members who wish to receive them mail each quarter. If you need to make an address change or wish to start/stop receiving envelope mailings, please contact Jenn Nelson to request by Monday, February 15. The next quarterly mailing will go out February 16. 

Keeping Connected with the Broadway Mobile App

The Broadway mobile app offers many useful features such as:

  • Update your contact information
  • View worship services
  • Secure giving
  • Secure view of financial contributions
  • Submit a prayer request or contact the church office
  • View and register for events and more!

App Tip: If you are a member and don’t see the directory tile, go to profile and log in again.

Need login information? Contact Jenn Nelson. To download the app click HERE.

Mobile Membership Directory: The Broadway membership directory is available online via the mobile app. For security, this directory option only shows when the app user is also a Broadway member with a church membership account. You may make updates to your contact information through the app, including uploading a picture. Please email Jenn Nelson with questions and to let us know if you prefer to not have your contact information listed in the membership directory.


Prayer Requests
Let us know how we may pray for you using the following link: 

               Prayer Requests

Your requests will be prayed over by the Broadway Ministry team and Intercessory Prayer Group. 

Community Prayers

Pray for our staff and volunteers at the Community Center as they provide groceries, sack lunches, and meals to our community.
Pray for our Agape friends.
Pray for all those who work in hospitals, shelters, and our first responders.

Pray for children who are not in safe homes and may be experiencing abuse or neglect.
Please pray for the two refugee families from Afghanistan that we are helping.

Pray for the Trevino family who lost their son, Zechariah and his cousin, who was critically injured both due to gun violence near Paschal High School on Friday, January 20. 

Copyright © 2020 Broadway Baptist Church, All rights reserved.